Our Story

What is a wand?

Wands have been used for Eons of time. They are energy amplifiers to assist the practitioner or user, to manifest many various things.

That can be accelerated healing, manifesting different realities.

Some of the most famous wand users in history are as follows:

Wands have been used in Sumerian times and also Egypt with the Anhk.

They have been used throughout time and space to amplify the intent of the user.

We created a device  that not only amplifies your intent, but also has the power to transmute. This is perfect for Reiki healers and massage therapists. If you want a tool that is like a scalpel for Reiki sessions that will remove stuck energy, these devices will greatly assist you in your work.

We’ve created these powerful high vibrational energy tools for Angelics’s, Starseeds, Light Workers, Reiki Masters, Message Therapists, Healers and Grid Workers. All products are hand-built with love.

By aligning a current of magnetic hematite with quartz crystals, we create an electro-magnetic field (Piezoelectricity) which actives the Orgone Energy and further more creates a really powerful field around your body and space for mind, body and soul transformation.

Some Starseed Wands house exclusive wand technology carrying fuel cell technology.